Saturday, February 26, 2011


Python is a really great language to start with, anyone out there who was pondering which language to start with, then I guess you can ponder no more.

I suggest Python because it quite simple and very kind on beginner. It doesn't necessarily include all the stuff that you would find in C and C++ that make these and other languages so difficult to learn. I would recommend it to anyone and below (today is your lucky day) are a couple links to where you can start learning
1. MIT Open Courseware - the best place to start, its a course that gives you access to all the class-related stuff in MIT's Introduction to Programming Course

2. Python - Official Website - duh!

I'll add more links as I go along.

Monday, January 31, 2011

PHP MySQL and Javascript

I figured well, since I already have a quasi-solid foundation in XHTML/HTML 5 and CSS then the natural options to continue with would be Javascript and PHP and MySQL. I will be using books and online web tutorials for the two. I also think the video tutorials available at are good. I have also signed up at wikiversity for their Web Development and Software Development courses available. Guess what, youtube is also a good place to get ok tutorials.

Web Design

I noticed that I have somewhat of a grasp of working my way around Media Styling especially for the Web. What I love especially is the use of The GIMP and Adobe Photoshop for web layout. All the sites I've done use any of the software listed below, which I truly love and highly recommend if you want to take up Web Design and Computer programming:
1. Notepad++ which happens to be my favorite by far
2. Adobe Phostoshop
3. The GIMP - my default design program
4. and Adobe's Dreamweaver

All the above programs are very good and are "must haves" if you are going into the world of Web Design.


I have since starting this blog taught myself HTML/XHTML and CSS, I know quite a few computer programming fundamentalists do not consider XHTML/HTML a programming language in the strictest sense of Computer Programming. I believe however that it does teach you some principles that will prove essential to Computer Programming and Software Development. I have a few websites up that I have designed myself and integrated basic PHP, some of which can be found here you can maybe have a look and let me know what you think of these templates. I try to design more as I have the time and upload them at that location. If you like any of the templates you can contact me (, I will be happy to allow you to use a template or two for free providing a few conditions that I will determine - nothing too restrictive or prohibitive. However if you would prefer the unconditonal use of these templates then you would have to pay for it but guess what, it won't be anything too expensive. The most I will charge for any of my templates will be from US$10.00 and US$60.00 the most.

Serious Learning Now

I've finally decided that I will start up the computer programming full-time. Though I work, I know it will be hard to do so but guess what, time waits for no man and I am not getting any younger. Don't care what I may have said in previous posts or what people on the newsgrups and irc may say I am going to just shut my eyes and choose the languages I am going ahead with. Today, the 31st of January 2011 is when I start and will not stop until I can write useful applications in the following:
1. C++
2. PHP and MySQL
3. Python
4. Java
5. Javascript

I will be attacking each language, 2 per day at least 2 hours per day. I'm gonna start with PHP, Javascript and Python. Then after about 2 months I'm gonna tackle C++ and Java and finally, I am going on to C. I'll need your prayers and your motivation.